Make your voice heard. Stand up for law-abiding firearm license holders.
WA Firearms Act Reform will impact safe, legitimate and responsible firearm owners. Have your say.
The WA Labor Government is trying to rush through the most significant changes to the Firearms Act in decades.
Have you seen the TV ad?
Our ad is running across WA on channels Seven and Nine to encourage Western Australians to have their say.
Firearm Ownership Limits: Tools for Specific Tasks
WA would be the first jurisdiction to impose firearm ownership limits, which will remove the core principle of having a genuine need to own a firearm. Whether you're a recreational hunter or a target shooter, the choice of firearm is crucial. For hunters, the right firearm is determined by the animal's size, distance, terrain, and even ammunition availability. These firearms are essential tools ensuring animal welfare. Target shooters partake in various events, each demanding a specific firearm. For instance, a regular shooter might engage in six events, each requiring 2-3 distinct firearms for sub-events.
Physical and Mental Health Checks are an over-reach
Imposing ongoing health checks will cost money, time and put additional strain on community health resources. It will be difficult to assure the reliability of an assessment from a one hour conversation. WA’s current system is similar to all other states and territories and there are already checks to be considered a ‘fit and proper’ person and reporting for health and mental health issues.
Property Access Permission: Ensuring Flexibility and Control
While there are proposed limitations on the number of hunters a landowner can grant access to, we must weigh the practical implications. Changes to property permissions and firearm ownership numbers will threaten the viability of farms reliant on a roster of recreational hunters to control pest animal numbers. Hunters provide essential services but aren't always on call. The existing permission letters effectively control access, with hunters diligently seeking the right permissions. Limiting these permissions might seem like a step towards more control, but could it inadvertently increase instances of illegal access?

“We should all be treated equally under the legislation, and that’s one of the most important things”
— Paul Fitzgerald, WA Firearms Community Alliance Spokesman