Have Your Say

  • 1. Find your local MP's email

    Look up their name and email address here.

    It is important your local representative hears from community members who support responsible, legal firearm ownership.

  • 2. Write your email

    Draft a simple, clear message explaining why you oppose WA Labor’s changes to the Firearms Act.

    If you previously made a submission, you can resend that, otherwise you might like to include:

    • How and where you responsibly use firearms

    • Why you oppose the changes eg:

      • Police should target real criminals

      • More red tape will over regulate property owners

      • Imposing limits will remove the genuine need principle

      • More layers of regulation will be difficult to implement etc.

    • How the changes will affect your outdoor activities

  • 3. Send your email

    Copy and paste your MP’s email address. You can also CC Premier Cook and Deputy Premier Saffioti:



    Only by speaking up and ensuring our voices are heard can we hope to stop this attack on safe, legitimate and responsible firearm ownership in Western Australia.